Thursday, August 20, 2009

Revolution 9- royalty free music

Music in the classroom is quite rare unless it is a music class. However with more and more multimedia being used it is a natural and progressive step to hear ambient music in a class to settle and focus students. PowerPoint or Slideshare presentations often have accompanying music so to create a sound track to your presentation you need royalty free music to avoid copyright issues. At incompetech you can find easy to download music files in a range of genres.

There is some rejection of royalty free music and copyright laws as the music is has “no connection whatsoever to the wider world of parents, grandparents, the community and the culture. The songs are disconnected, expressively flat, remarkably forgettable. They cannot be shared with parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles.” Underhill (2005).

There is some artistic flair required to match images and audio hence the importance of the soundtrack composer to a lot of movies. Music can create an atmosphere whether it is relaxed and quiet or energised and fast paced. Visual presentations that you see nowadays have inspirational soundtracks to go with important sounding messages. It takes some skill in creating or finding the right message for your class topic. I can see a class making a PowerPoint presentation and adding some background music to demonstrate critical literacy understanding, “How does that make the viewer feel?” How do you know there is danger coming?”.

Underhill, J. (2005) A Music Teacher Describes How Copyright Hinders Music Education Retrieved August 20 2009 from

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